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Design Technology

All you need to know about our high quality, bespoke DT Curriculum.


Curriculum & Pedagogy


Design and Technology at The Coombes Church of England Primary School provides pupils with the opportunity to participate in a range of different activities where they develop a variety of practical skills. Our vision for Design and Technology is for pupils to develop the theory and practical skills necessary to build strong foundations for success in the future as critical thinkers, developers, designers and makers. By learning core skills in researching others’ work, designing their own products, learning the skills to create these products and evaluating the success of their work, pupils will embed core skills that will help them not just in Design and Technology, but across their academic and working lives and will enable them to contribute positively and effectively to society by understanding problems and proposing solutions. At all stages, there is an emphasis on linking Design and Technology with other subjects, where possible and appropriate. Design and Technology is taught as a discrete subject.

The Curriculum Vision is outlined here:

Curriculum Vision: Design Technology

National Curriculum topics coverage is detailed in our Curriculum Overview. This details when a historical period is taught and some of the key questions for each Art and Design topic topic. 

Curriculum Overview- DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 

Our further in-depth Curriculum Map of Design Technology at The Coombes details the coverage of National Curriculum objectives, as well as Key Questions and opportunities for children to apply their learning within other curriculum subjects and also in our unique and beautiful school grounds.