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'A Love of Learning Grows Here'
[Mark 4: 3-8]

Headteacher's Welcome

Luke Henderson, Headteacher's Welcome to The Coombes

When you make your first visit to The Coombes Church of England Primary School, you immediately get a sense that it is more than just a school. Our beautiful setting and warm welcome see to that, as does the palpable sense of friendship amongst every child and member of staff you meet.

The education at The Coombes is transformational. Based on our Christian vision of 'A farmer went to sow his seeds' (Mark 4 3-8) our new broad, inclusive and ambitious curriculum enables a love of learning to grow. We offer opportunities for all, while unique facilities, including a swimming pool, numerous ponds and woodlands provide a truly one of a kind education for our children. In addition, a range of community partnerships provide an abundance of extra-curricular opportunities and experiences for the children that go well beyond the national curriculum – we provide a truly holistic education.

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We are proud to enable so many children to represent ‘Team Coombes’ in sporting events this year with many successes…These experiences build character, teamwork, new skills and confidence. Our children are truly one team! #togetherness #teamcoombes


Summer Term Eco-Day today was a huge success. Activities included- planting our cottage garden, clearing beds, learning about species of plant & even homemade ‘nettle risotto’! Thank you to everyone for supporting the day! #uniquecoombes #aloveoflearninggrowshere


Just a couple of examples of the brilliant learning happening in school this week ahead of the bank holiday weekend. #aloveoflearninggrowshere


Thank you to those parents who attended our recent workshops on Behaviour and Maths (fractions). We hope you found the sessions helpful in knowing how to support your child. Our next session (May) will explore nutrition & healthy food choices #workinginpartnership