We expect all pupils to:
- Attend school every day unless they are prevented from doing so by unavoidable reasons;
- Arrive at school on time;
- Arrive appropriately prepared for the day; and
- Talk to their parent/carer, class teacher or an appropriate member of staff if they are worried about anything that may affect their school attendance.
We expect all parents/carers to:
- Encourage daily school attendance throughout the academic year and be aware of their legal responsibilities;
- Ensure their child arrives at school punctually and prepared for the school day;
- Advise school by 09:30, on the first and any subsequent days, if their child is going to be absent, giving the reason for absence;
- Arrange non-urgent medical and dental appointments outside of school hours or during the school holidays;
- Avoid taking their child out of school during term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances, in which case Leave of Absence must be requested in advance;
- Contact school promptly should a problem occur that may prevent their child from attending school;
- Notify the school of any changes in home circumstances that might affect their child;
- Notify school immediately of any changes to phone numbers, home address or emergency contact details;
- Ensure they are fully aware of the school's attendance policy and their legal responsibilities with regard to their child's education.
School staff will:
- Provide a welcoming atmosphere;
- Provide a safe learning environment;
- Provide a sympathetic response to any pupil's or parent's/carer's concerns;
- Keep regular and accurate records of AM and PM attendance and punctuality, monitor individual pupils' attendance and punctuality;
- Contact parents/carers when a pupil fails to attend and where no message has been received by 10:00am, to explain the absence;
- Follow up all unexplained absences to obtain explanations from parents. Although parents may offer a reason, only the school can authorise the absence. In the case of long term or frequent absence due to medical conditions, verifications from a GP or other relevant body may be requested;
- Regularly inform parents/carers of the percentage attendance of all pupils (parents' evenings, end of year reports etc.);
- Make initial enquiries regarding pupils who are not attending regularly;
- Refer irregular or unjustified patterns of attendance to the Education Welfare Service. Failure by the family to comply with the planned support set by Education Welfare may result in further cautions, e.g. a Penalty notice, parental prosecution or an application for an Education Supervision Order;
- Notify the Education Welfare Service after 10 days unexplained absence and after 15 days of consecutive sickness absence.