School Uniform
Our school uniform is a representation of our school community, which is why we have high expectations of all pupils wearing uniform throughout the school day.
We ask that parents support us in ensuring pupils attend school each day in the correct uniform, and this maintained throughout the school year. The school believes that the uniforms show that our children are part of an organisation and is something that should be worn with pride.
Our uniform is changing, beginning from September 2024, details of the new uniform are below and our latest policy can be found at the bottom of this page.
My Clothing and Brigade Clothing provide our branded uniform online, however we also recognise that alternative options can be found in supermarkets and online or via local charities (First Days / The Cowshed).
Please click on the link to take you to our page on their website and follow the instructions.
Brigade Clothing supply the following branded wear:
- V-neck neck sweatshirts
- Sweatshirt Cardigans
- Polo Shirts - Year R only
- PE T-shirts - in house colours
- Backpack
- Book Bags
- Drawstring PE Bag.
My Clothing supply the following branded wear:
- Sweatshirt cardigan
- Polo Shirts - Year R only
- PE T-shirts - in house colours
- Book Bags
- Drawstring PE Bag.
- Backpack
Dress Code
Our dress code reflects the importance we place upon suitable, age-appropriate clothing and footwear so that children can learn and play safely.
In our school:
- All clothing must be in good repair and clean
- All items of clothing must be clearly named
- The wearing of all jewellery is banned
- No brand logos, motifs or football shirts.
- All footwear must be safe and sensible, flat, securely fitting and all open shoes will have a back strap
- Cosmetics including nail varnish will not be worn
- Hats & hoods/hoodies will not be worn inside
- Ties will be available from the school office
PE Kit
Children must have their own PE kit in school at all times:
- Navy blue shorts.
- House coloured PE T-shirt (red/blue/yellow/green) T-shirt).
- White ankle socks.
- Trainers or plimsolls.
- Coombes PE bag (or drawstring bag).
- Plain navy tracksuit (for outside during colder months).
PE Kit will change like the seasons and therefore should be appropriate for the time of year and the activity.
As the field starts to become muddier during the colder months, the children are also recommended to wear football/rugby boots to help with grip.
- Earrings must be removed for PE and games
- Watches must be removed before taking part and remain the child's responsibility
- Bangles/Bracelets must also be removed prior to participating
- Long hair must be tied back, so please make sure that your child has some spare hair ties with them on the days they participate in activities
Please note that these measures are taken in the interests of children's safety and well-being and are in accordance with the Local Authority's, and national, Health and Safety Guidance.
Hot & Cold Weather
We work outside as well as in the classroom. Our children must have coats and wellington boots all year (even in the summer).
Sun hats should be provided for sunny days.