Sport and PE
Following the 2012 Olympics, schools across Britain are being provided with funding in order to improve the health and wellbeing of all pupils through sport and exercise. At The Coombes, we are committed to promoting the wellbeing of our pupils, staff and school community. By using this extra funding strategically, broadly and in a sustainable way we hope to improve the health and well-being of our school community.
Through the funding our goal is to increase participation in sports, introduce alternative sporting activities, increase opportunities for competition, develop partnerships with local sporting organisations and improve the overall health and achievement of pupils through sport and exercise. This will be achieved through the purchasing of new sporting equipment, introduction of new activities, working collaboratively with local primary and secondary schools, funding sporting opportunities for pupil, including pupils eligible for free school meals and buying in various sports coaches to deliver clubs and training for staff in order to raise the quality of PE teaching.
Kit for PE
The participation in PE is highly regarded at The Coombes for sporting achievement as well as promoting healthy living and cooperative working. We feel we offer the children a good range of activities which they will enjoy and will help them to be more active and also develop a broad range of skills. In order for the children to take part in, and benefit from, these activities, we need your support to help ensure the children have the correct kit.
For health and safety reasons, children must change for PE. You will be informed of the days on which your child does PE.
PE kit will change like the seasons and therefore should be appropriate for the time of year and the activity.
We recommend that PE kits are kept at school to allow for changes at short notice and be taken home at the weekend to wash and returned at the start of a new week. Whilst swimming kits should be taken home on the day they are used.
As you can appreciate, most children's uniforms will be very similar to those of other children. We would therefore ask that all items being brought into school be clearly marked or named for ease of identification should anything get lost or simply mixed up.
Should a child forget their PE kit on a one-off occasion, we have some spare kit to lend them. If a PE kit is repeatedly missing, then the child will be unable to participate and will be given a verbal reminder to bring their PE kit into school, in addition to their class teacher being notified.
Hair and Jewellery
During PE and clubs, long hair must be tied back, so please make sure that your child has some spare hair ties with them on the days they participate in activities.
When playing, running about or working, it is all too easy for something to catch on an earring/watch and cause a serious injury. Therefore, the following should be noted:
- Earrings must be removed for PE and games
- Watches must be removed before taking part and remain the child's responsibility
- Bangles/Bracelets must also be removed prior to participating