Admissions, Appeals & Open Mornings
Our School thrives on a culture of high expectations where everyone is committed to making a real difference to the children in our care.
We aim to give our children the very best possible start to their education, developing personal aspirations and a lifelong love of learning.
To view our admissions policies and appeals timetable, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
As Wokingham Borough Council manage our Admissions and Waiting Lists, school places can be applied for by visiting Wokingham Borough Council - School Admissions.
At the bottom of this page, please see two important letters from Wokingham Borough Council and The Keys Academy Trust regarding a reduction in Primary School capacity across the borough in the coming years.
Open Mornings
We are excited to offer Open Mornings at The Coombes. Open mornings will run in the Autumn term at 9.30am. The next available session/s will be confirmed in July 2025.
Nursery and Reception Places
We are delighted that you are considering The Coombes Church of England Primary School as the school for your child.
For nursery applications, please visit our Orchard Nursery page.
We still have places available for our current Reception classes, contact us for more information or to visit.
Please register your child's details with school admissions on the Wokingham Borough Council's Citizen Portal, to receive reminder emails about when to apply for a school place.
Please read the parent's guide to starting primary school (PDF) document). This contains all the statutory information you need to know about applying for a school place.
Parents/carers will be offered a reception place for the following September, via their Local Authority, on or around the 16th April each year. This is called National Offer Day.
Applications open in September and close around the 15th January each year.

Please see the ODBE School Admission Appeal timetables below.
Admissions Policies
All current and future determined admissions policies can be found at the bottom of this page.
Below is the Admissions Policy for 2026/27 determined by the Admissions Authority, The Keys Academy Trust, for The Coombes C of E Primary School. If you wish to raise any objections please contact the Office of the Schools Adjudicator no later than 15 May 2025. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/school-admissions-arrangements#object-to-a-schools-admission-arrangements